
The future is yesterday ... today ... tomorrow.
Mankind, courage, nature, innovation – one does not work without the other. Even more: They have an interactive dependency.
Therefore, our credo is: Think economically, react sustainably. We bear responsibility towards the environment, society, customers, consumers and our employees, and we do this with conviction because we are concerned about what kind of world we will leave our children. Resource-sparing measures and energy efficiency is at the top of our agenda.

... the employee motivation increases.
As a responsible employer, we secure the best minds on the labour market and also keep these in our company.
... the connection with the customer grows.
Our social and ecological attitude is the key to customers of the future who are asking increasingly for sustainable but economical products and services. The trust placed in us is growing and the brand awareness of the complete company group is rising as well.
... Risks are sinking.
Viable value-added chains, transparent company communication and efficient use of resources protect the excellent reputation of the Goerner Group.
... Innovations are developed.
Besides our core businesses we strive for sustainable solutions, thus increasing the potential for innovation and our future sustainability. This enables us to secure our competitive advantages and strengthen our position on the financial market.
- Goerner CoC (DE)Download