Goerner Packaging

Development and production of food-safe and compostable packaging with special coatings based on cardboard and new materials at the site in Austria.
Especially in the food sector, trust is our top priority. The Goerner Group is the right partner at your side here. Our specialists in the team develop individual solutions in-house and are thus able to fulfil the quality standards of our customers. Packaging from Goerner is 100 percent food-safe and compostable if required. Our Austrian office is the birthplace of special coatings and new materials that we develop together with our external partners. The Goerner Group never stops, but continues to live the vision. The vision of good social and economic cooperation for a healthy tomorrow.
Find out more about GOERNER PACKAGING

„We appreciate the high degree of competence from Goerner in the development of functional packaging solutions. The price/performance ratio at Goerner is fine for us. Reasonable lead times, stocking of finished goods and call-up of part quantities as well as reliable adherence to delivery deadlines characterise Goerner as a supplier.“
Goerner Formpack

Development and production of moulded fibre parts made from recycled material at the site in Austria.
The food industry needs the trust of the customers, which already starts with the packaging. Goerner solutions made from fibre pulp are not only cheaper in manufacture, but fully take into account the increased environmental awareness of the customers. Due to the combination of a wide range fibres, our packaging can be adapted to all requirements. In the food sector, for example, due to the use of fresh fibres which enables them to be used in the food sector.
Goerner Bionics
Development and production of green packaging made from the material compound of sustainable materials at the site in Austria.
Sustainable thinking is a chance to help design the future. The world can be changed in a positive way through responsible thinking and action. Due to the combination of various sustainable materials, Goerner Bionics enables tailored solutions for our customers, which clearly stand out from the competition and guarantee unique marketing advantages. Via the food industry, Goerner Bionics reaches the final consumer precisely with its packaging inspired by nature , creating a win-win situation for all those involved.
Find out more about GOERNER BIONICS