
Innovation and success comes from courageous people.
It is simply fun to go in new directions. When speaking with our employees, this fun can be felt in the form of the highest levels of motivation and passion. Together, we live an open culture of discussion throughout the group and this means we are able to transfer responsibility and encourage company-oriented thinking and acting. In addition, we provide a wide variety of development chances and training opportunities, and we are always happy to receive unsolicited job applications.
Positions available at the moment:
Please send your complete
application with photograph to:
Goerner Group
Personnel office
Hirschstraße 20
9020 Klagenfurt, Austria
You are not quite clear about the job profiles in the packaging industry?
Printing and media technology, Bachelor of Engineering
Media technologist printing
Media technologist print processing
Media technologist screen printing
Paper maker
Further information:
Fachverband PPV Industrie / PPV Austria / Schulverein PPA
Paper technology engineer
Paper technology, Bachelor of Engineering
Paper technologist
Wallpaper printer
Technician - Paper technology
Packaging technology, Bachelor of Engineering